PKP offers a variety products and services to assist you to achieve your organization’s vision. We offer consulting & training services that address a variety of issues in the workplace:
Leadership & Strategic Intelligence
- Strategic Planning & Vision Development
- Identification and Prioritization of Strategic Projects
- Traksio: Enterprise Risk Management
- Data Model Development & Analysis
- Traksio: Data Analytics
- Idealized Design for Vision Accomplishment
- Strategic Execution with Traksio
- Project Management
- Improvement Projects
- Custom Tracking
- Identification and Prioritization of Strategic Projects
- Leadership Workshops
- Executive, Management, and Staff Coaching
- System Mapping
- Data Selection & Interpretation
Improvement Workshops & Coaching
- Improvement Workshop
- Charter Development
- Data Selection and Improvement Evidence
- Personality Intelligence
- SDl lnventories for Personality Intelligence
- Planned Experimentation: Design and Analysis
- Traksio Structure & Support
- Improvement eLearning Modules
- Ami™ Improvement Methods & Forms